About me

Hi, I'm Carolyne, having thrown away my high heels and given up on the stressful life of London, I am now loving my outdoor life in wellies with my loyal companion Sapphie, squelching in muddy fields growing flowers and foliage in Devon.

Let me introduce myself...

Having moved to our farm in Upexe, Devon, lockdown threw us into growing fruit and vegetables to feed us all whilst trapped at home for months on end in our beautiful corner of rural Devon, randomly scattering wild flower seeds and cut flower seeds to see what would happen. Lo and behold, they burst into bloom!
Following this great success, I started a cut flower patch of miscellaneous wild flowers on an old bonfire site that I cleared and called it my Bonfire Bed. At the end of the summer I ended up with an array of wild flowers and a glut of Teasel plants, hardy and indestructible, blowing in the summer winds at the bottom of my garden by the river, which I decided to harvest.

Our flowers

Then followed the building of raised beds and the construction of a polytunnel, a cut flower patch and the expansion of growing cut flowers began. An array of gorgeous blue cornflowers is the first thing that came to life in my flower growing journey. I then became addicted to buying packets of seeds, scattering and meticulously sowing them in pots and thus started the flower journey of Blue Teasel – blue of the cornflowers and teasel from the original sown flower bomb.

So this is how Blue Teasel literally sprung to life and how I became a cut flower farmer.
Follow me on our flower journey on Instagram and Facebook to learn more about me and my flowers
at Blue Teasel, where we grow beautiful seasonal blooms on the banks of the River Exe

I love being in my happy space by the river in amongst the peace and quiet of nature in my cutting patch or polytunnel, immersed in soil and compost - sowing seeds and nurturing them to become beautiful blooms, guided by the wealth of knowledge from Roz from Field Gate Flowers on the launch of her Seed to Vase course back in 2022, Georgie Newbery for her gorgeous book The Flower Farmer's Year, Zoe Woodward for her source of seeds and fantastic growing knowledge and the continued support and business from Alice and her team at From The Wild. So I stuck my head in books and learned and just sowed and sowed to see what I could grow.

Sustainably grown seasonal British flowers and foliage

Our ethos is to grow all our flowers as sustainably as possible. Combining locally sourced compost with home sourced mulch and using the “no-dig” method on all our flower beds, with recycled cardboard and home grown leaf mulch to help enrich the growing of our British blooms. This approach has the added benefit of encouraging as much wildlife, wild flowers and insects as possible too!

Grown not flown.

" I've always been a passionate, self motivated person in everything I do and I grabbed this opportunity with both hands. Blue Teasel is located in the heart of Devon, surrounded by farms and fields, where we grow beautiful seasonal blooms on the bank of the River Exe."

Carolyne Waters

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